I read this
little piece today and decided to come up with my own top ten list of "things they won't tell you in a commencement speech that you really need to know". Okay class of 2012, here goes:
Me and my parents at my college graduation '92 |
- Don't worry too much about making a choice. Any choice. Who to date, where to work. Failing to make choices is usually worse than making one that isn't perfect. I know some folks who failed to choose anything at all in their twenties - a career, a mate, a passion - and they are stuck in never never land. Sometimes not making a choice means staying in school way longer than necessary. Sometimes it means waiting tables forever despite having a college degree. Sometimes it means staying in a destructive relationship. But if you don't choose something, you don't know if it can work. Choose something, try it. Switch directions if it doesn't pan out. But non-choices lead nowhere.
- Say yes. A lot. Do stuff. Fun stuff. As much as possible. Adhere to your notions of fun, of course. Don't feel you have to adopt someone else's. But see music, go biking or hiking or climbing, make movies, drink with friends, travel. Do stuff. You'll be amazed how little time there is later.
- Sleep around a little bit in your twenties. I mean don't be a complete slut. And certainly be safe. Maybe I should say "date" rather than sleep around. But I'm not big on euphemisms. You gotta see what's out there. Right? I never did this. Perhaps that's why I'm recommending it.
- Do things that scare you. At the very least, never let fear be a reason not to do something. Every time I've tackled something that scared the shit out of me, I was rewarded. And felt profound accomplishment and gratification.
- Don't have kids too late. Don't have 'em too early either, for god's sake. But save yourself the panic and the medical expenses that come from waiting too too long. You'll never feel totally ready. It's ok. We know how to do this. It's what we're here for after all.
- Speak another language. If you haven't learned one by the time you finish college, go do it. Don't be a lame-o American like me who works with Euros each of whom speak at least four languages. Don't be the ugly American. It's not fun.
- Marry someone you think is remarkable. Not just nice. You won't regret it. Even if it doesn't work out.
- It's not a race. It feels like it sometimes. And if you're competitive like me, you'll really want to win it. Even though there's no race to be won. But stop running, do what you love. Take your ego out of it all. It's hard. But it's possible. Though you will have to constantly remind yourself of this. Every time you put your ego in the middle of a decision, it will be a poor one. I swear it.
- Get a good therapist. Don't go all the time. If you have to go constantly for years and years, you need a new one. He's not helping. But find one you trust, who helps facilitate a change in behavior or feeling or all of it. And doesn't just sit with you while you navel gaze. And then go in for tune ups when you need them.
- It's gonna be hard. Harder than you think. All of it. Having babies, having toddlers, watching them grow up and leave you every single day. Being married, not being married. Watching friends move away. Not getting the job you wanted. Watching people get sick and not being able to do anything at all to help. But it's also going to be amazing. Remember the ebb and flow. And remember to breathe.
I completely agree with you on all these. Therapist, Race, and Don't worry about choice really resonated...