The USAG's response leaves a bit to be desired, if you ask me. Having policies that are updated regularly is not the same as enforcing them. Stealing money may be illegal, but if the government doesn't enforce it, it might as well not be (oh yeah, they don't! Oops. Not when it's a lot of money stolen by banks. Only when it's a little money stolen by common criminals. Bankers are "uncommon criminals" I suppose, and apparently above the law.) Here I go again, digressing.
But Mr. Penny, forgive me if I call bullshit ... AGAIN. But feigning "oh my" ignorance, as if you were just becoming aware of the allegations against Mr. Boger and Mr. Peters for the first time in these recent articles is a bit much. These issues were brought to you almost a year ago. And nothing was done. Or nothing substantive, I should say. Yes, you went through the motions. But real action? No.
The pressure from the recent press must have made your lack of action indefensible. Hence the banning and such. Not that the inaction wasn't already indefensible, but I guess not that many people knew about it, so it was easy to get away with it. Not no more.
Please sir, a little outrage might be appropriate. Outrage on behalf of the girls. Instead of this:
The protection of our athletes warrants a prudent and deliberate investigation of misconduct. Most important in these instances is to take every step necessary to come to a correct conclusion following a complete review of the circumstances.
The second sentence sounds like a whole lot of foot dragging to me. And I also hear a healthy helping of defensiveness here:
The cases mentioned in the Register series involve incidents that occurred nearly 30 years ago, but by no means are indicative of our sport's culture.
Really? Are you sure about that? Both these guys were coaching very recently. Boger, when the article came out. Peters just months before. I suspect Mr. Peters' abrupt "retirement" had something to do with the fact that these articles were about to be published. Though I'm fairly certain he'd deny that.
Mr. Penny, these mealy mouthed words fail to address the issue effectively. Stand up and DO something. Launch an investigation! Commit to legal action not just 'banning' from the sport. Nut up and show a little chutzpah and fatherly rage on behalf of the girls that make your sport what it is.
You are right on, as always, Jen. They have the policies in place but there's still a problem, so LOOK at it and FIX it rather than DEFEND it.